The following statements apply to all Financial Aid programs administered by HCHC:
Financial aid award(s) are not guaranteed and are subject to any and all revisions in federal, state, and institutional policies, availability of funds, changes in enrollment, minimum grade requirements, housing status, and timely submission of all required documentation, including official transcripts, as well as correction of any miscalculation of awards.
A student’s financial aid eligibility requires registration in appropriate program level courses. It is the student’s responsibility to request, complete, and submit all forms with necessary documentation for all financial aid programs, including scholarships, in a timely manner. Awards are not granted retroactively and are subject to fund availability.
All students must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements at all times in order to receive and retain financial aid. HCHC reserves all rights to review and/or modify its financial aid programs. All programs are subject to change due to revisions in federal or state government or institutional policies. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all filing deadlines for financial aid and to notify the Office of Financial Aid of any changes in enrollment, housing status, and dependency. Students should be aware that in the event of an over award (a situation that occurs when the amount of aid exceeds the student’s financial need or cost of attendance), federal regulations require that the aid be reduced to within the student’s established educational cost of attendance.
Federal Loan Programs Administered by HCHC
Federal loans may be accepted or rejected by signing the Estimated Financial Aid Award letter. All loans must be repaid in accordance with the repayment terms associated with the loan. If a student wishes to borrow less than the offered amount, he or she can reduce the loan award by contacting the Office of Financial Aid.
Loans that are accepted will not be processed for disbursement until all required paperwork is completed and submitted. If the student is a first-time borrower of the Direct Stafford subsidized and/or unsubsidized loans, he or she is required to complete Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note. If a first-time borrower of a Parent/Graduate PLUS loan, a PLUS Master Promissory Note is required. There is also an annual credit check. All of these processes must be completed at If a PLUS applicant has been denied a PLUS loan, he or she could obtain an endorser or may choose to document to the satisfaction of the U.S. Department of Education that there are extenuating circumstances related to his or her adverse credit history. Once either of these courses of action has been completed, the PLUS applicant is also required to complete PLUS Credit Counseling on
Maximum Time Limit—Subsidized Usage Limit Applies (SULA): Limits a first-time borrower’s eligibility for Direct Subsidized Loans to a period not to exceed 150% of the length of the borrower’s educational program. Under certain conditions, the provision also causes first-time borrowers who have exceeded the 150% limit to lose the interest subsidy on their Direct Subsidized Loans.
Student Financial Aid Records
Students are responsible for updating and maintaining accuracy in personal and demographic information as reported to the Office of Financial Aid. Communication with HCHC students shall be via officially assigned HCHC email addresses, phone, and mailings. HCHC disclaims all liabilities for damages arising from the HCHC Student Information System of record, whether caused by data entry, programming error, computer malfunction, or any other possible circumstance that may result in misinformation. HCHC complies with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which affords students certain privacy rights with respect to their educational records. If a student wishes disclosure of his or her financial aid information to someone else, a signed FERPA Release Form is required to be on file in the Office of Financial Aid.
General Academic Requirements
Eligibility for federal, state, and institutional financial aid may be impacted and/or revised if any of the following situations apply:
Preparatory coursework financial aid eligibility is calculated upon the receipt of appropriate submission of signed forms from the Registrar. Students registered for courses that are not applicable to the designated program or degree may not be eligible for financial aid for these courses. Taking courses outside the degree or designated program could affect full-time enrollment status.
HCHC’S Withdrawal Policy as It Relates to Financial Aid
Students who withdraw from the college (either officially or unofficially) are subject to a federally required review of their federal aid called Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4). Once a student withdraws, HCHC is required to determine if the student is eligible to retain any financial aid. A calculation is utilized, which uses the following information: the date of the withdrawal, the financial aid received, and the amount of tuition charged. HCHC utilizes software provided by the federal government to determine how much of a student’s federal financial aid must be either retained or returned. The calculation is based on the percentage of time that a student attends classes. If HCHC returns funds to the government due to the R2T4 calculation, the student is then responsible for any subsequent open balance to the institution caused by the return of funds.
HCHC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
All students are required to be making measurable progress toward their degree requirements. See HCHC’s undergraduate and graduate catalogs for the specific policy relating to Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). A student’s progress is measured after every semester. Students not meeting the standards of SAP will be notified in writing, and their financial aid for the following semester may either be withdrawn or they will be placed on a Warning status, meaning they will be eligible for only the next semester’s financial aid. Students placed on a Warning status will have one semester to improve. An appeal process is in place for students who have lost their financial aid due to the SAP review. Extenuating circumstances must be evident. Documentation will be required. A maximum of two appeals will be reviewed. HCHC’s SAP Policy is separate and distinct from the Academic Probation and Suspension policy administered by the Office of the Registrar. HCHC’s SAP Policy is separate and distinct from requirements for scholarship renewal. An approved SAP appeal does not guarantee the reinstatement of a scholarship, as the student will need to complete a separate scholarship appeal for the Scholarship Appeal Committee’s review and decision.